07. New Website Design Development

200,00 800,00 

SKU: N/A Category:
Questions and concerns you may have
  •   Business Relocation to Spain. How to create a proper website.
  •   Usability and User Experience (UX) Issues
  •   Outdated Design
  •   Low Conversion Rate
  •   SEO Issues
  •   Integration of New Functionalities
  •   Rebranding and Image Update
What we can offer you

Developing a new design for your website

In today’s competitive digital environment, the usability and design of your website play a key role in attracting and retaining users. A UX/UI audit can identify areas for improvement and, if necessary, our team can develop a new design for your website. In this article, we’ll explain how we perform this process and why it’s worth entrusting it to a specialized agency like ours.

Before ordering a new design, we recommend a UX/UI audit to base it on concrete data rather than assumptions. Once the UX/UI audit is complete, we will provide you with a detailed report with recommendations.

Our design service include
  1. Research and Planning
    • Audience Analysis: We study the needs and expectations of your users.
    • Goal Setting: We establish clear goals for the new design based on your business objectives and UX/UI audit results.
  2. User Interface (UI) Design
    • Visual Design: We create an appealing visual design that aligns with your brand.
  3. User Experience (UX) Optimization
    • Intuitive Navigation: We design simple and logical navigation to enhance user experience.
    • Interaction and Usability: We ensure smooth interactions and optimize usability.
  4. Testing and Adjustments
    • Usability Testing: We conduct testing with real users to evaluate the new design.
    • Adjustments and Improvements: We make changes based on user feedback and testing results.
Why choose our Baldarian agency?
  •  10 years of experience.
  •   Tasks in 72 hours.
  •   Changes based on analysis, not assumptions.
  •   Customized strategies to promote business in Spain.
  •   A team with ongoing training.
  •   Personalized approach.
  •   Consulting professionals.
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