
How to Provide Access to a CMS in WordPress, Magento, and Laravel

How to Provide Access to a CMS in WordPress, Magento, and Laravel
Sometimes it becomes necessary to provide access to a CMS (Content Management System). Typically, such a need arises in the following cases:

  • Website Development or Maintenance

When developers need to be engaged to make changes to the design, structure, or functionality of the site.

For fixing technical issues or performing updates.

  • Content Management

If content managers are required to add, edit, or delete information on the site.

For managing blogs, e-commerce products, or updating news.

  • Audit or Analysis

If SEO specialists or marketers need access to analyze the site’s structure and provide recommendations.

To check speed, performance, and other site parameters.

  • Collaboration with Contractors

When working with freelancers, agencies, or other external teams that need temporary or partial site management access.

  • Website Recovery

If the site needs to be restored after technical failures or hacker attacks.

  • Training

When a new employee or team needs access to learn how the system works and is managed.

  • Collaboration

For working on a shared project where multiple participants make changes simultaneously.

When granting access, it is important to consider the user’s permission level to minimize the risks of errors or data leaks.

1. WordPress:

To grant access to WordPress, follow these steps:

Creating an Administrator Account:
  1. Log in to the WordPress admin panel.
  2. Go to “Users”“Add New”.
  3. Fill in the fields:
    • Username: Create a login for the new user.
    • Email: Enter the email address of the person you’re granting access to.
    • Role: Select “Administrator” for full access.
  4. Click “Add New User”.
  5. The new user will receive an email with login details.
Restricted Access (View-only for site structure):
  1. Install a plugin such as User Role Editor.
  2. Create a custom role with limited permissions:
    • Go to “Users”“User Role Editor”.
    • Set up a role that allows only viewing.
  3. Add a new user and assign them this role.

2. Magento (commonly Magento 2):

Creating an Administrator Account:
  1. Log in to the Magento admin panel.
  2. Go to SystemPermissionsAll Users.
  3. Click “Add New User”.
  4. Fill in the fields:
    • Username: A unique login.
    • Email: The user’s email address.
    • User Role: Select “Administrator”.
  5. Save the user. They will receive access credentials.
Restricted Access (e.g., view-only):
  1. Go to SystemPermissionsUser Roles.
  2. Create a new role with limited permissions.
  3. Assign this role to the user via All UsersEdit User.

3. Laravel (usually custom CMS):

Granting Access via the Database:

If the CMS is built on Laravel, use these methods:

  • Via Admin Panel (if available):
    1. Log in to the Laravel admin panel.
    2. Navigate to the users section (e.g., “Users” or “Accounts”).
    3. Create a new user and assign them the administrator or a restricted role.
  • If no admin panel exists:
    1. Provide access to the server or database.
    2. Add a user manually in the database (usually in the users table):
      • Insert a new user with an admin role.
      • Ensure the password is hashed (use bcrypt for hashing).
Access to Code and Structure:
  1. If you need to grant access to the source code, share repository access (GitHub, GitLab).
  2. Provide hosting access (e.g., cPanel or SSH) for reviewing files.
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